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Report: The government regulatory data report

Sponsored by Objective Corporation

According to research, regulators have a good awareness of the benefits that good use of data can deliver. There are some great examples of innovative regulators located across Australia and New Zealand using data to achieve better regulatory outcomes and make it easier and less costly for people and businesses to comply.

Objective recently undertook a survey and qualitative interviews and found that just about every government regulator is striving to get better insights from their data to achieve better outcomes for the community.

The research helped answer the following questions:

  1. How are different regulators making better use of data?
  2. What improvements in outcomes are they achieving?
  3. What challenges are they facing?
  4. How are they improving the data maturity of their agency?

Six key insights were uncovered in Objective’s research and were crafted into a report – The Government Regulatory Data Report.

Download the report now.


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