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eBook: Why tendering doesn’t always give best value for money

Sponsored by Kiah Consulting

It’s probably time to have another look at government procurement. Most departments are set on tendering. It makes sense. But is it the only way to get the best value outcome? Are government organisations too constrained by the tendering process? Can money be saved and better solutions achieved with direct negotiation?

In this ebook by Kiah, the pitfalls of competitive tendering are explored – costs can balloon, contracts can get dysfunctional and the costs of entry are high. Sure, competitive tendering is here to stay, but it could be a time to investigate other tools and a strategic approach to deal making. Download today to consider the alternatives.


Kiah Consulting’s strength is in providing clarity around strategic options, developing executable plans and executing them. They are experts in critical thinking, articulation, persuasion, negotiation and influence to deliver operational and procurement excellence and project remediation.