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How to be a truly terrible leader: What Caligula, Julius Caesar, and the bad Roman emperors can teach us
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  • Case studies

How to be a truly terrible leader: What Caligula, Julius Caesar, and the bad Roman emperors can teach us

  • Australian Capital Territory

The Roman biographer Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus believed power doesn’t corrupt so much as it allows one’s worst, preexisting instincts to go unchecked. His epic biography, Lives of the Caesars, showed how power made the emperors of Rome feel free to indulge their own passions and pursuits, no matter how weird or reckless — often, to their own demise. Josiah Osgood breaks it all down for you.

Global Intelligence Briefing March 3, 2020: Coronavirus management

Global Intelligence Briefing March 3, 2020: Coronavirus management

  • Australian Capital Territory

Welcome to Mandarin Premium’s latest newsletter, Intelligence Briefing, your guide to the most important developments from public sectors across the globe. The COVID-19 coronavirus has created an unprecedented challenge for Australian departments across all portfolios, and determining what governments have done well — and not so well — could very well be crucial to meeting […]

Better digital services could boost public trust — but where to start?
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  • Trends and research

Better digital services could boost public trust — but where to start?

  • Australian Capital Territory

Boston Consulting Group senior partner and managing director Miguel Carrasco says a lack of trust is preventing departments and agencies across governments in Australia and New Zealand from delivering the effective digital services that the public has come to expect from the private sector. He gave The Mandarin his take on the viscous cycle governments find themselves in, how to overcome them, and who is leading the way.